Image courtesy of ABC News

It’s very important to keep an eye on your own skin and with the help of your partner or family member, monitor any changes that may occur. The Australian Cancer Council provides the following information.

What to look for:

These are some changes to look out for when checking your skin for signs of any cancer:

  • New moles.
  • Moles that increases in size.
  • An outline of a mole that becomes notched.
  • A spot that changes colour from brown to black or is varied.
  • A spot that becomes raised or develops a lump within it.
  • The surface of a mole becoming rough, scaly or ulcerated.
  • Moles that itch or tingle.
  • Moles that bleed or weep.
  • Spots that look different from the others.


  • The most dangerous cancer and if left untreated can spread.
  • May be a new spot or a spot that changes in size & shape
  • Quick growing
  • Raised or flat and even in colour

  • Red, pink, brown, blue, grey and/or black
  • Firm and dome shaped
  • Can bleed and crust


Lentigo Maligna Melanoma


Basal cell carcinoma

  • Common form of skin cancer – least dangerous
  • Red, pale or pearly in colour, appears as a lump or dry, scaly area
  • Slow growing, usually on sun exposed skin

Squamous cell carcinoma

  • Red scaly spot, may bleed and crust
  • Usually on sun exposed skin, grows over months
  • Usually on people over 50

The ABCDE melanoma detection guide is recommended by the Cancer Council

A is Asymmetry

Look for spots that lack symmetry

B is for Border

A spreading spot or irregular edge

C is for Colour

Blotchy spots with a different colours such as red, blue, black, white or grey

D is for Diameter

Spots that are growing bigger

E is for Evolving

Spots that are growing and changing

Photos courtesy of Cancer Council/Prof John Kelly FACD and the Australasian College of Dermatologists.


Image courtesy of the Cancer Council